Advertise On CGMagazine

Advertise On CGMagazine

By advertising on CGMagazine, you will reach educated professionals that love the art of gaming, comics, film and new media. Our readers range from 20-45 and work in a range of fields. Our readers come from all walks of life from enthusiasts to industry leaders.

With a website that reaches over 1.2 million unique people monthly and a print/digital circulation of over 10,000 subscribers, CGMagazine makes a great choice to hit a targeted demographic at a competitive rate. We offer many marketing solutions to fit your needs and budget, from sponsored articles to site takeovers, our team of professionals will ensure we make the right package to fit your campaign.

Marketing Contact:

[email protected]

To read more about our advertisement rates, along with detailed information about our audience, please reach out to get a copy of our most recent ad package.

We are open to many forms of advertising campaigns, although we always want to ensure that anything we advertise fits with our core mandate and does not compromise the reading or user of experience of the website or the magazine. While CGMagazine does offer paid articles, we reserve the right to reject advertisements that do not meet our ethical standards. You can find additional information about CGMagazine’s ethics and review policies and procedures here.