Nightmarchers: Meet the Powerful Akua Gods of Hawaii

Nightmarchers: Meet the Powerful Akua Gods of Hawaii

Nightmarchers’ Latest Video Highlights the Power of the Akua
Wyrmbyte Studios delves back into ancient Hawaiian culture to bring some of the Akua to life in Nightmarchers. These ancient gods of Hawaii are steeped in lore and tradition. As the island is overrun by raiders, the gods spring forth to serve as your guides in the battle. Once Kai repairs their sacred shrines, the gods will join your quest. Our first god featured is Kū the Hawaiian god of war and sacrifice. Kū will grant you weapons of powerful mana that can be used against your foes. If you want to become a spiritual warrior then following the gods is your journey.

YouTube video

Kū was not only known as the god of war, this deity was a farmer and aided the people of Hawaii in a time of great famine. His sacrifice transformed into the Ulu tree to feed his people. With so much history in this tropical paradise calling upon the gods for guidance is one of the fascinating features in Nightmarchers.

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