I am Setsuna

I am Setsuna


I Am Setsuna is a charming throwback to the golden age of Japanese RPGs, delivering a nostalgic yet fresh take on the classic formula. Developed by Tokyo RPG Factory, it transports you to a land of perpetual winter where an ancient ritual demands the ultimate sacrifice.

You play as the stoic mercenary Endir, tasked with escorting the young Setsuna to her fated death as an offering to appease the celestial monsters ravaging the land. What follows is a bittersweet journey across frozen landscapes, as you defend Setsuna from hostile beasts and come to question the cruel traditions of this wintery world.

Combat harkens back to the glory days of the PlayStation era, with an active time battle system that blends real-time movement with turn-based combat. Strategically position your party of guardians, then unleash a flurry of attacks and spells to overwhelm your foes. The simple-yet-deep mechanics allow for myriad team compositions and tactics.

With its melancholic piano score, evocative 2D-inspired visuals, and poignant narrative exploring heavy themes like sacrifice and tradition, I Am Setsuna is a masterclass in artful minimalism. It’s a loving tribute to JRPG classics that also charts its own emotional path through the snow.


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